100% natural (all herbal and homeopathy) and alternative therapies & exercises for peripheral neuropathy

My Journey of Recovery From Peripheral Neuropathy!

My Personal Health Journey and Recovery from Peripheral Neuropathy

How I Cured My Neuropathy!

I’m no longer at the mercy of my Peripheral Neuropathy, and I would not be here today had I not had the proper diagnosis, natural treatments, alternative therapies & complementary techniques to help. It’s never too late to seek help and, best of all, help yourself. 

The following is my journey of struggles and facts of the details of how I cured my neuropathy!

We have created and dedicated this website (TreatmentsForPeripheralNeuropathy.com) to help people who are suffering from nerve pain, nerve damage, peripheral neuropathy, and diabetic neuropathy to find and use scientifically proven, safe, and effective natural treatments, alternative therapies & complementary remedies to stop, reduce and finally reverse their neuropathy and start living a pain-free life again. You do not need to suffer from burning or sharp neuropathic pain in the feet & legs, and hands and arms or in the legs, burning all over the body, burning inside the body, etc.

I have learned in a complex way that taking positive action is the first and significant step to achieving recovery from peripheral neuropathy – your final goal.

I was Taking Care of My Body. It’s the Only Place I Have to Live!

I have been a healthy person right from my childhood. Due to a proper upbringing and good education, I always used to have a healthy diet and exercise. I was a science student and had my university degree with honors in Biology. At the beginning of my professional career, I worked in the pharmaceutical industry and completed many courses in pharmacy, pharmacology, the human body, and related subjects.

Due to my healthy lifestyle, I was mostly free of any illness. In addition, I was a member of the gym. And used to go there regularly, 4-5 times a week.

But suddenly, it all started around twenty years ago. I started feeling pain in my feet, more in my left foot. I kept my feet on the cold pack for some days for 10-15 minutes. But it was of no help.

Searching for Answers – The Wrong Diagnosis:

Then, I went to my primary physician, who referred me to a podiatrist. He diagnosed it as plantar fasciitis. He also gave me a referral for physical therapy.

I did my physical therapy sessions for two weeks. But there was no improvement in my condition, and it kept deteriorating. I returned to my primary physician and was referred again to another podiatrist. He also diagnosed it as plantar fasciitis. I had more physiotherapy, but my pain did not go away.

Most cruelly, with pain, the disease robbed me of the things I loved doing — think walking or dancing — and rendered my activities, such as going to the gym, impossible.

Make sure your doctor is asking you questions like you are asking them. If you leave the office feeling frustrated or dismissed, look for a new doctor. Also, keep going if you’re not satisfied with your diagnosis. Instead, try to get a second opinion. Do a lot of research on your own, as much as you can.

You Must Have Patience and Persistence:

So, I did not stop there and went to another podiatrist. He ordered some tests and exams and came to a new conclusion. I was diagnosed with Morton’s neuroma. He performed the surgery and removed it. But alas, my pain was still there and was worsening.

I wondered if my only option would eventually be to suffer pain like this. An undiagnosed debilitating painful illness terrorized me. For me, there was no diagnosis, no cure, and ultimately no final healing. Maybe it will always be with me.

Most people feel alone with a medical condition. But It’s important to talk about it and study it. And the most critical factor is to take further action. I still had confidence in medical doctors and went to another podiatrist. She told me that my previous Morton’s neuroma surgery was not done correctly. So she performed another surgery to make it right. But I still had pain in my feet.

I went to her for more advice, and finally, on my repeated insistence, she referred me to a neurologist.

Finally, the correct diagnosis:

I made my appointment with a neurologist. She conducted the tests and asked about my life history and my family.  After the battery of neurological tests, it was determined that I had nerve pain due to peripheral neuropathy. She discussed with me the possible causes of neuropathy. It is too long a list. And with no direct reason to be determined, I was diagnosed with idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. As per my lab tests, I was not diabetic.

Finally, I was grateful to have a definitive diagnosis after years of suffering, confusion, and anxiety. I cannot express the enormous relief I felt when I discovered my condition was actual and had a proper medical name.

And the doctor prescribed me Gabapentin for my idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. But it caused me drowsiness, memory problems, and severe constipation. The treatment was worse than my initial problem. I was living like a zombie. I was not living an everyday life. After repeated visits to my doctor, I was prescribed Pregabalin and Amitriptyline.

But the Drug treatment gave me more complications than a solution:

This new combination provided tolerable nerve pain management, but not total or partial eliminating pain (“taking the edge off”). But it caused drowsiness, difficulty focusing, and short-term memory loss. I was constantly feeling having a “brain fog.” Sometimes I’ll be talking to people, and in the middle of a sentence, I won’t remember what I was saying when the punishment started. I was unable to perform my daily activities. I often choose between meeting [family] responsibilities or taking the time to accommodate my pain and treatment.

I also became pre-diabetic due to the use of Amitriptyline. Do you see the irony? Instead of treating your primary disease, current neuropathy treatments give you other complications and side-effect.

As time went on, my painful condition got worse. However, I will always adore and be incredibly grateful to honor my wife as a unique, loving, and supportive caregiver.

I can say with a genuine heart and insurmountable confidence that I would not be where I am today without her.  My wife did incredible work and was always there to help me; she deserves recognition and thanks. It was hard to remain thankful when my dependency on my wife increased. She is the essential factor in my total recovery from peripheral neuropathy.

am a warrior by heart, and as ashamed as my pride feels it is to admit- she had to keep my heart going quite a few times.

Searching for Answers – Striving for Truth:

My Journey of Recovery From Peripheral Neuropathy & How I Cured My Neuropathy!

At last, I realized that I did not want to live like this anymore. As a science student, I started researching nerve damage, nerve pain, and peripheral neuropathy and studying all the scientific material. To find the right solution, I traveled and met a lot of other neuropathy patients. I also interacted with scientists, doctors, naturopaths, homeopaths, holistic medicine practitioners, yoga gurus, reiki mentors, hypnotists, etc. I did extensive studies and learned about Hypnotherapy and Reiki, amongst other safe healing methods. I acquired deep knowledge of herbal & natural remedies, homeopathy, alternative therapies, and complementary treatments. I was obsessed with finding a safe, scientifically proven & effective cure for peripheral neuropathy.

There’s Peace In Knowing:

To make a long story short, finally, I found some natural neuropathy solutions. Based on my personal use and feedback from fellow sufferers, I have found the natural treatments, alternative therapies & complementary remedies most effective, safe, and scientifically proven. My journey of recovery from peripheral neuropathy was long and educative, but finally successful, which is how I cured my neuropathy!

Our Basic Mission:

While recovering from pre-diabetic Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy (I am not pre-diabetic anymore), I discovered that more than 20 million people suffer from neuropathy in the United States. Unfortunately, most sufferers still seek a neuropathy treatment that offers long-term relief without adverse side effects.  A variety of drugs in current therapy may reduce the nerve pain symptoms for a while and to some degree, but often with many side effects.

There are currently no treatments available in current medications that readily treat, stop, cure, or reverse nerve damage, nerve pain, and neuropathy. Current medical treatment of peripheral neuropathy can only relieve pain with various combinations of anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, and opioid pain relievers.  

Our mission is fundamental and straightforward. We want to provide knowledge and information based on proven success about the 100% natural treatments and alternate therapies for peripheral neuropathy and diabetic neuropathy. These fantastic and scientifically proven remedies not only manage and control but even reverse the damage done to the nerves.

Following Natural & Alternative Treatments Can Help In Recovery From Peripheral Neuropathy!


These products are selected based on fact-finding investigative studies and are personally used by neuropathy patients.

So far, we have found out following natural treatments and alternative therapies which are effective, safe, and scientifically proven:

1. 100% Natural herbal Treatment

2. PEMF- Magnet Therapy

3. Exercises, particularly brisk walking.

Apart from the therapies mentioned earlier, we have also discovered that the following complementary therapies help recover from peripheral neuropathy by managing the symptoms of neuropathic pain and associated complications and side effects of neuropathy. These are used as adjuvant therapy, in addition to primary treatment, to maximize their effectiveness:

1. Self-Hypnotherapy

2. T.E.N.S Therapy 

3. Meditation

4. Relaxation

5. Laughter

As a neuropathy patient, footwear should no longer be your nightmare. We have the following footwear recommendations for you. Be confident with your daily routine without pains and risks:

1. Neuropathy Shoes

2. Neuropathy Socks

3. Neuropathy Slippers

We want every patient suffering from peripheral neuropathy and diabetic neuropathy to guide in achieving recovery from neuropathy and live a pain-free, comfortable, happy quality of life, and that’s why we created this site to provide all the required information to achieve that goal. 

Now you know how I cured my neuropathy, and so can you. So maybe your recovery will be faster and better than mine!

Taking immediate, constructive action is the most critical initial step toward achieving your ultimate objective of living a pain-free life.

You can take positive action now to achieve your final goal of Living a PAIN-FREE, Healthy & Happy Life!

100% natural (all herbal and homeopathy) and alternative therapies & exercises for peripheral neuropathy
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Medical Disclaimer:
All content and media on this Website are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.

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